We often hear phrases such as “awaken to” or “rise up” or “be the light” in quotes, speeches, on social media, etc. Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem resonated with people on a deep level, and no surprise, these same phrases were interspersed throughout her beautiful poetry. We all have had experiences of feeling more alive and energized by something or someone, but then what? Unfortunately, within a short time, most people go back to their daily lives without deeper inquiry, or keep scrolling on social media only for those moments of inspiration to fade away.
What if we were to stay in these moments longer, deepen into their meaning and allow them to integrate into our consciousness? What does it mean to “Awaken Your Inner Light?”
These are important questions, and in my latest blog post I will explain it from my lens of understanding and use myself as an example.
We are 25 days into the new year and I am already feeling the need to stop, re-center myself, and start fresh. Being a Spiritual Life Coach doesn’t preclude me from upset, especially when our world feels like an intense roller coaster ride.
Just when I was filled with hope for a new year, the insurrection happened, all while the pandemic is still raging in the US. These new virus strains are deeply concerning, and it’s looking like there may not be accountability at the highest levels of government for what happened at the capitol, or at least the country is split on it, and it makes my head spin….
I love this time of year. For me, the holidays have always been a time to slow down and reflect upon the previous year - the highs, lows and everything in between. We have endured plenty in 2020 - a devastating pandemic, social justice uprisings, and an anxiety ridden election. It has always been my nature to find the light in times of struggle….
If I had a nickel for every time I heard…
“If I only had more __________, then I would be happy” Is this really true?
If you say these things, then you are waiting for something to change. If you believe these statements, then you are not actively participating in your own personal transformation into happiness and success. Perhaps you are taking baby steps, but something is missing...
When Covid began, I was in the midst of a travel year and then everything just stopped…..
What is your silver lining?
My calendar informed me that today was “supposed” to be the first day of my retreat in Mexico called “Relax & Renew”. Was I supposed to go?….
When I am scared and have a decision to make, I ask myself... does my choice come from love or fear?
Subtitled: (I am not claiming to be an expert on life, just my perspective)
One of the most common questions I get from clients is... what is the difference between a "coach" and a "therapist?"
When I was a little girl and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my response was always some version of...
What is Soul Consciousness? One of the most common questions I receive from people curious about my career is “What do you do as a Spiritual Coach?” I realize Spiritual Coaching sounds strange to some people. I’ve been asked hundreds of times over the years from people with curious eyes, tilted heads and crinkled eyebrows.
Explaining what I do is like trying to define love or God. There isn’t one simple definitive answer because the concepts themselves are so vast and infinite. So iInevitably, I do my best to simplify my response by explaining that I help people find happiness and success by understanding their own consciousness - in mind, emotions, unconsciousness and soul.
In my latest blog post I speak more about the spiritual concepts such as, awakening, rising up and light, and how they live on this highest realm of consciousness called Soul Consciousness.