Success Is An Inside Job

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Success Is An Inside Job

If I had a nickel for every time I heard the following phrases: 

“If I had more money, then I would be happier.


If this person was more X, then my life would be better.


If I had more time, then I could do X.


If my body was thinner, then I would feel better.”

Is this really true?

If you say these things, then you are waiting for something to change. If you believe these statements, then you are not actively participating in your own personal transformation into happiness and success. Perhaps you are taking baby steps, but something is missing...

What is missing is….. YOU. 

Not the physical you, but rather the non-physical you which is your light, your energy, and a deeper sense of trust. In other words, who you truly are “inside.”

You’ve heard the stories and watched movies about people who made a ton of money, or did a tummy tuck, or took a pill (movie: Limitless) and had, on the surface - success. But they weren’t authentically successful or happy because they never truly made the effort to change their “inside.” Or, they tried but gave up too soon, or the method didn't work for them.

If this resonates in any area of your life, I invite you to consider that there is something lurking deep inside of you waiting to be heard and wanting to be discovered. Perhaps it’s confidence, self-worth, trust in yourself/God/Universe, etc. I can only promise that what is missing is not money, time, your partner, etc.

Again, what is missing is….. YOU. 

YOU have a physical form (a body). That is easy to see. But first and foremost, you are an energy form. Your energy vibrates and vacillates between light and dark. Where your energy goes depends on your thoughts and attitude. 

It’s very important to invest in the transformation of your thoughts, which transcend into your energy. 

For example, I could drink a glass of wine to temporarily feel better, but authentic and long lasting change doesn’t come from the outside in, it comes from the inside out. When I feel happy inside, I don’t need the wine. I could choose to have wine for fun, and always a minimal amount. My friends know I can’t handle more than one glass! Nor do I need more than one glass. 

When we invest in transforming our energy in positive ways, we make better decisions about our lives, bodies, and career. And as a result,  everyone else in our lives benefits from our inner glow. 

So why not learn how to feel better from the inside out?

Did you know you could retrain and rewire your own brain? You can. It takes practice and there are numerous modalities available for this - meditation is a common one and there are many processes I use with clients. One is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programing) where clients learn to reprogram their wiring so that their old tendencies (negative thinking) begin to die out, and new programming gets rewired. It’s fascinating, it works and it’s the greatest gift one could give themselves. See what some of my clients are saying here. (INSERT TESTIMONIAL LINK)

Only you can choose to awaken to your inner light, and I pray more people and humanity as a whole begins to make this shift… it’s becoming more and more clear that our future success and happiness depends on it. 

With Love,


Laina FlorioComment