Why I became a Life Coach
When I was a little girl and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my response was always some version of a "helper" - whether a nurse, a teacher, a veterinarian, etc. Years later, I received my undergraduate bachelors degree in Psychology and while I loved the philosophy of personal work, I intuitively I knew at 23 years old, that I didn't have the "life experience" to be a therapist.
Then, life happened and I ended up in the corporate world of fashion retail management, primarily leading teams of people - motivating, inspiring, training, learning and evolving. While it was certainly a helping profession and I enjoyed it, it wasn't quite enough. I was craving deeper, more meaningful work serving others. I just didn't know how, what or when. As the years went on I kept questioning my purpose and kept asking the same questions: "Who am I? What is my purpose? And, how can I make a meaningful contribution to the world?" I was excited at the idea of taking a leap of faith into something new, yet feeling both scared to take a risk, and admittedly I was attached to the security of a guaranteed paycheck. Being truly honest, I was terrified because deep down I knew in order to heal others, I needed to heal myself first.
Like everyone else on the planet, I had to overcome really big hurdles. Some of these challenges seemed too daunting to face head on. I didn't truly know my value and worth as a person, or as a woman. During most of my 20's I felt lost, without an inner compass guiding me, or an external one for that matter. I was in a long term relationship that wasn't good for me, worked too much and ached to do more meaningful, purposeful work. I was great at pretending everything was OK when it wasn't, when truthfully I was craving deeper connections in my relationships and experiences. On some level, I knew this lack of connection existed in me, yet I wasn't ready to dive deep into fixing myself. My 30's became an exploration of self, courageously taking a closer look at my life, my inner blocks and so called "demons"... the parts of me I kept hidden. Somehow I knew that in order to change my external world, I needed to transform my internal world.
My turning point:
My career ended. I wasn't sure what was next for me. I didn't know where to live or how to kickstart a new career. I worried about money and was in the midst of a major transformational shift. I was confused and scared. I would try new things but would inevitably end up back out with excuses (unconscious fears) as to why something wouldn't work - such as, not enough money, time, etc....and they were all excuses. I was spinning my wheels, making the same mistakes over and over again, all in a different form.
What did I do?
I woke up and started doing even deeper transformational work. I attended workshops, read books, worked with great coaches, practiced yoga, traveled to Nepal, and hiked the Himalayas for 2 weeks. I absorbed all the tools and information available to me. I worked hard at healing my inner blocks, unconscious beliefs and perceived limitations. In 2014, I graduated with a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. By this time I was coaching clients part-time and loving it.
And now.....
I have the career I dreamed of and make more money with every year that passes. I have deeper, more meaningful relationships with EVERYONE in my life. I love my home in Beverly Hills and the majestic beauty of California. I travel to amazing places, do yoga every single day and volunteer on a weekly basis. I meditate to keep myself grounded and focused. Is everything perfect? Nope. Life throws curveballs all the time but now I embrace them as an opportunity to learn something new and grow further. I am happy from the inside out. And the best part is... I get to help others to awaken to their own greatness and experience a more fulfilling life. As an online spiritual life coach, I can travel when I want to, and work from anywhere. It’s magical.
Bottom line is this.....
You don't need a 2 week trip to Nepal or a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology to manifest change... but you do need an inner compass and an external guide, someone to support and nurture you with honesty, integrity and yes....love. This is where I come in. I am the compass and the loving guide. I help you tune into your soul's calling, and help you clarify and commit. I work hard for my clients and expect them to work hard as well. Your life is worth it and you deserve the best. For the longest time, I held the belief that major transformation is scary and daunting, until I realized it can be fun, joyful and uplifting! It is such an honor for me to support others in manifesting their own success in their lives.
The reality is.... we are all dealt a different hand in this game of life. It's up to each one of us to learn the game, find our path, navigate the obstacles and ultimately learn to thrive despite the obstacles that will inevitably cross our paths.
As I look back and connect the dots, it becomes more clear I was always preparing for what I do now and wouldn't trade a day of my life, my former career and even many of the obstacles I faced along the way. They all shaped me into the person I am. I learned invaluable skills in business and leadership training that still serve me today. I knew as a kid and now more so as an adult that serving others in their growth and development is my life's purpose - which is to bring greater meaning, purpose, light, happiness and joy to others.