My last blog post titled Awaken Your Inner Light prompted many people to write expressing curiosity about what what Soul Consciousness means. I am delighted that humanity at large is beginning to ask bigger questions about our journey through life. In fact, the most common question I receive from people curious about my career is “What do you do as a Spiritual Coach?” and “What does soul consciousness really mean?” I realize Spiritual Coaching sounds strange to some people. I’ve been asked hundreds of times from people with curious eyes, tilted heads and crinkled eyebrows.
Explaining what I do is like trying to define love or God. The concepts are abstract and there isn’t one simple definitive answer because the concepts themselves are so vast and infinite. I will do my best to simplify this by explaining that I help people find happiness and success by understanding their own levels of consciousness. Consciousness in simple terms means “awareness” - of mind, emotion, unconscious, and soul. Soul is what differentiates my style of coaching from other coaches and therapy, hence my Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology. By the way, the second most common question I get is “How is coaching different from therapy?” I wrote a blog about that topic a couple of years ago called: Life Coaching vs Therapy.
To define Soul Consciousness requires explaining consciousness in general. Before I share my definition, please know this is my understanding from many years of studying Spiritual Psychology, numerous other modalities, theories, and self-practice. I share my definition as ‘truth’ because it is true to me. Please know, I do not suggest that everyone should subscribe to my beliefs, rather I hope you will consider them and ask questions if you have them.
In the most simple terms, there are 5 levels of consciousness (awareness). Most people move through life using 3 levels of consciousness - physical, mental and emotional. Or at least these are the levels people are most aware of. Everyone does physical things everyday - we get up, go places, get things done, exercise, etc. We think thoughts and feel emotions all day long. The 4th level of consciousness is the unconscious & subconscious, but let’s skip that one for now. There is another level of consciousness that some are tuned into, however many people are not, or they ignore and bypass this level. This level is called Soul Consciousness and the level I work with as a Spiritual Coach, in workshops and on retreats.
If I were to put consciousness in order, from highest to lowest, it would look like this:
Soul Consciousness
Unconscious / Subconscious
To understand spiritual concepts such as “awaken, rising up and light,” is to understand that these concepts do not reside in the physical world, nor the mental or emotional realm where we spend most of our time. These concepts live on the highest realm of consciousness called “soul” or “heart consciousness.” Some call this Christ Consciousness or The Universe. Whatever you call it is your personal choice and comfort level. The thing is, you can’t go out and get these concepts and put them inside of you physically, mentally or emotionally, because they won’t sustain or last for long. You can’t take a magic pill like in the movie, Limitless. Cosmetic surgery and weight loss programs cannot cultivate or activate your authentic inner light.
You cannot awaken from the outside because this light is already inside of you.
You were born with it and have everything you need to thrive in life. This is a hard one to comprehend, I know. Trust me, if you will….
I guide my clients to recognize that they are much more than those first 3 levels. They are more than they goals they are trying to achieve, more than their bodies, they are more than their minds (ego) and they are more than the emotions they feel. In other words, I assist them in Rising Up in Consciousness so that they live more from, or spend more time in, the highest realm rather than getting stuck in the lower ones.
So, what is Soul Consciousness?
The soul is the realization of oneself, beyond body, heart, mind, and consciousness, and is present at all times. Our souls are within us and beyond us. The soul was here before we came here, and will live on when we are gone.
Soul consciousness is an experience, and the primary condition to experience this realm is to allow yourself to go there. And remember, it’s not very far because it is inside of you already. In this realm lives unconditional love, compassion, trust and surrender. Soul consciousness allows you to experience the present and no matter what happened in the past. You can handle it while residing in soul consciousness. When you are detached from the illusions of your mind, you are not worried about what is coming in the future, nor are you dwelling on the past. Rather, you remain in the moment you are in. Soul Consciousness is in the present moment.
The bottom line is this….
Experiencing Soul Consciousness is an awakening to who we truly are. The more awake we are, the more conscious we are, the more clear we are, the better decisions we make, the more alive we feel. All of which leads to more trust, compassion, empathy and love for ourselves and others.
Author Joseph Campbell of The Power Of Myth, famously quoted:
“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”
Who wouldn’t want to experience healing in mind, body and soul?
This is why I am a Spiritual Life Coach. To support people in experiencing more aliveness, joy, self-worth, value, compassion, trust, and love.
I hope this supports you on your journey. As always, feel free to reach out with questions or guidance.
With love and light,