I am an entrepreneur with a Life Coaching Practice based in Beverly Hills and absolutely love what I do. I have a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. I take care of myself in mind, body and spirit. I have multiple sources of income. I spend a lot of time in nature, volunteer weekly, lead workshops, spend quality time with family and friends, teach yoga, travel to amazing places around the world and most importantly... I live a meaningful life with purpose. The best part is... I love who I am. It didn't always look and feel this way. After years of being a Type-A work-a-holic consumed by the busy-ness of the corporate world, I learned to reclaim my soul, my life and create a new career. A career that I LOVE. Looking back I can see now that all of the perceived “failures” I experienced were all blessings in disguise. The best part is now I get to teach others who are on their own path of awakening in service to manifesting the best version of themselves and kickstarting new careers. I have been coaching clients for over 7 years and it brings me so much joy to witness their own personal transformations which ALWAYS has a ripple effect into every area of their lives.
I work with those who are ready to say YES to living a more purposeful life. Together, we take steps to clarify their vision, identify and resolve any barriers, then take action to create their new reality. Our session are powerful and personal. I see the greatness in my clients and help them see it for themselves. I work hard for them and expect them to be willing to work hard too. My own life experience has shown me that to live an exceptional life, you must be willing to take risks. Once you see and experience things in a new way, and then take action, your world begins to change. It’s truly magical how this unfolds once one gets out of their own way and into the drivers seat of their lives. My clients have changed careers, started new ones, overcome divorce, death of a loved one, mended relationships, created new relationships, wrote a screenplay, simplified their lives and more. Some just simply wanted to experience more peace in their every day life. Who doesn't???
Are you hungry for more purpose, balance, peace and meaning in your life and/or career?
Do you feel stuck in a rut, not able to see your way through?
Have you been hiding something from yourself and others?
Are you ready to kickstart your new life? A new career?
Are you tired of repeating the same vicious cycle over and over again, despite your best efforts?
What if you were to accomplish those ideas and experiences that you have been putting aside for another day or another time?
What if it really IS possible to overcome those obstacles you have been ignoring?
What if doing so opens up more possibilities than you ever imagined?
What if the most amazing, fulfilling life that you dreamed of was truly possible?
How would you feel inside if you were to redesign your life and create a new reality?
Because I’ve been there. I can relate to all of the questions listed above, and more. For a long time I struggled. I was striving and striving, yet not clear enough on my objectives or who I truly was. I was confused about what others wanted for me vs. what I wanted. I was afraid to ask for help. My life was fulfilling in some areas and seriously lacking in others. I thought the answers to life were outside of me. For years I was working tirelessly in the fashion world in NYC. Hustle and bustle was my everyday life. I wanted to do and have it all. Yet something was missing, and it took a while before I realized that it was “me” who was missing. I was hiding behind my career and unfulfilling relationships. While I was successful and learned valuable lessons in business, I was craving something deeper and much more meaningful. Read more about me by clicking here.