Coaching Books
Here’s some of my favorite books to inspire thoughtful reflection on your growth journey.
Spiritual Journey:
The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer
Loving What Is - Byron Katie
You Are The One - Kute Blackson
Loyalty To Your Soul - Ron & Mary Hulnick
Remembering The Light Within - Mary Hulnick
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Luiz
Eastern Body, Western Mind - Anondea Judith
The Power Of Now - Eckhard Tolle
A New Earth - Eckhard Tolle
The Surrender Experiment - Michael Singer
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
Love Warrior - Glennon Doyle
Untamed - Glennon Doyle
The Alchemist - Paolo Coelho
The Go-Giver Influencer - by Bob Burg
7 Habits of Highly Successful People - by Steven Covey
Change and Courage:
The Power of Intentions - Wayne Dyer
Lean In - Sheryl Sanberg
Together is Better - Simon Sinek
Time Warrior - by Steve Chandler
More Time to Think - by Nancy Klein
Wealth Warrior - by Steve Chandler
The Soul of Money - by Lynne Twist
Tapping into Wealth - by Margaret Lynch
Overcoming Under-Earning - by Barbara Stanny
Relationships and Self-Love:
Calling in the One - by Katherine Woodard Thomas
You are the One - by Kute Blackson
Big Magic - Brene Brown
The Gifts of Imperfection- Brene Brown
Radical Self Love - Gala Darling
When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron
Love Warrior - by Glennon Doyle
Loveability - by Robert Holden
5 Love Languages - by Gary Chapman
You Can Heal Your Life - by Louise Hay
Health, Healing & Wellness:
In An Unconscious Voice: How The Body Releases Trauma - Stephen Levine
Radical Remission - Surviving Cancer against all odds - Kelly Turner
Heal Documentary - order on amazon.
The Prosperous Coach - Steve Chandler & Rich Litvin
Servant Leadership - Robert Greenleaf
More Time To Think - Nancy Klein
Find your Why - Simon Sinek
Loyalty To Your Soul - Ron & Mary Hulnick
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul - Jack Canfield
Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Tillman